Fit For Work

Risk Prevention Solutions

Do you have a clear and measurable sightline as to your total cost of risk for your workers’ compensation program?

You likely have traditional sources of data like loss runs and industry comparative benchmarks giving you a general sense of how your WC program is performing. Imagine having real-time, actionable information about the challenges your employees face and addressing those issues before they become problems. Our solutions coordinate your specific data with targeted strategies to reduce your total cost of risk. We help our clients continually improve their performance to be best in class and have the lowest cost of risk in their industry.

Every organization has a unique culture, work environment, and employee base. Because we interact with your employees, we can diagnose the most effective approaches to helping them and reduce workers' compensation claims at the same time. You can spend time measuring problems or spend time eliminating problems.

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Comprehensive Workers' Compensation Risk Management Programs.

Concerned about the cost of program

Are you concerned about the cost of your workers’ compensation program?

Can you measure all the costs, premiums, claims, lost productivity, claims handling, collateral, staff to manage claims, and finding replacements for injured employees?

Reduce your workers compensation costs

Interested in learning how to reduce workers’ compensation costs?

Let’s be honest – if you are here you are concerned about wanting to reduce your workers' compensation cost – at a minimum talking to us will provide insights that you may have never considered. Plus, a conversation is free.

measureable sightline for total costs

Do you have a clear and measurable sightline as to your total cost of risk for your workers’ compensation program?

How do you measure the success or lack of satisfaction with your workers’ compensation program in terms of:

Total loss costs • Premiums
Claim frequency • Collateral required or held
Your Total Cost of Risk (TCOR)

improved cash flow in workers compensation program

Would you like to see improved cash flow with your workers’ compensation program?

You have probably never thought of workers' compensation and cash flow as connected. We can walk you through this and you will never look back as to why improved cash flow is so significant.

wherever you are, we are

Get Started

Are you ready to reduce your total cost of risk?